Friday, June 26, 2015

PADF Paul Ainsworth Francis PF The Husbands PF And Boyfriends PF Of Victoria's Secret Supermodels

On 26/06/2015 8:06 PM, "Paul Francis" <> wrote:
> EUREKA! ! WHAT immensely phenomenal enlightenment PADF PF how sweet it is!! : law of attraction vs reality opposites attract and debauchery holiness
> [Excerpts from work in progress: ] Thus, per systematic homeostasis, the sum total of the effects of pleasure on system(s) connected to the fittest enjoying the most pleasure/reproducing [including microorganisms directly connected to fittest macroscopic ones enjoying pleasure, [per chaos theory] may start in revolutionary fashion with simplest aspects—biologically, eg unicellular organism(s)[“up the food chain”]and environmentally/mechanically including machines etc.—and then transmit [at what speed and with what consistency? Based on what?] up to sentient beings [eg such as me] enjoying at best cyclical bouts of great and thus consistent pleasure(s) successfully amidst [it] [all] this process. This is analogous to acknowledging the entire winning team for a performance and or the prolific scoring of its superstars; i.e. giving credit to all of Real Madrid for Christiano Ronaldo’s greatest goals. (see and cite Emergence Theory work)      [Being] Increasingly Greater Harmony]INCREASINGLY GREATER HARMONY            If we view systematic homeostasis (SH) as a manifestation of harmony (harmonically viable relationships over time) and vice versa au E = mc^2, there is a natural tendency, including Pleasure-based Natural Selection, towards producing harmonious relationships and results [internally & externally/ individually & systemically], especially from a sentient perspective, with the pleasure principle proving dominant.
> Per Wikipedia:
> Human laws of attractionEdit
> In the mid 20th century, social scientists began to apply Plato's first law of affinity, i.e. "likes attract", to relationship life noting that, for example, people tend to marry based on such factors as age, religion, socioeconomic status, and education.[citation needed] In the 1950s, in opposition to this view, sociologist Robert F. Winch proposed the "opposites attract" theory, arguing that people are attracted to those whose needs conversely [ and psycho spiritual motivational self improvement babble of many including Wayne dyer PF, great swimming in ocean daily practice however,  Daoist PF style vs ]
> PADF Sine qua non PADF PF elegant genius and beauty of:
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> Last edited 10 months ago by John of Reading
> Chemical affinity
> EditWatch this page
> HistoryEdit
> Early TheoriesEdit
> The idea of affinity is extremely old. Many attempts have been made at identifying its origins.[1] The majority of such attempts, however, except in a general manner, end in futility since "affinities" lie at the basis of all magic, thereby pre-dating science.[2] Physical chemistry, however, was one of the first branches of science to study and formulate a "theory of affinity". The name affinitas was first used in the sense of chemical relation by German philosopher Albertus Magnus near the year 1250. Later, those as Robert Boyle, John Mayow, Johann Glauber, Isaac Newton, and Georg Stahl put forward ideas on elective affinity in attempts to explain how heat is evolved during combustion reactions.[3]
> The term affinity has been used figuratively since c. 1600 in discussions of structural relationships in chemistry, philology, etc., and reference to "natural attraction" is from 1616. "Chemical affinity", historically, has referred to the "force" that causes chemical reactions.[4] as well as, more generally, and earlier, the ″tendency to combine″ of any pair of substances. The broad definition, used generally throughout history, is that chemical affinity is that whereby substances enter into or resist decomposition.[1]
> The modern term chemical affinity is a somewhat modified variation of its eighteenth-century precursor "elective affinity" or elective attractions, a term that was used by the 18th century chemistry lecturer William Cullen.[5] Whether Cullen coined the phrase is not clear, but his usage seems to predate most others, although it rapidly became widespread across Europe, and was used in particular by the Swedish chemist Torbern Olof Bergman throughout his book De attractionibus electivis (1775). Affinity theories were used in one way or another by most chemists from around the middle of the 18th century into the 19th century to explain and organise the different combinations into which substances could enter and from which they could be retrieved.[6][7] Antoine Lavoisier, in his famed 1789 Traité Élémentaire de Chimie (Elements of Chemistry), refers to Bergman’s work and discusses the concept of elective affinities or attractions.
> According to chemistry historian Henry Leicester, the influential 1923 textbook Thermodynamics and the Free Energy of Chemical Reactions by Gilbert N. Lewis and Merle Randall led to the replacement of the term "affinity" by the term "free energy" in much of the English-speaking world.
> According to Prigogine,[8] the term was introduced and developed by Théophile de Donder.[9]
> Goethe used the concept in his novel Elective Affinities, (1809)
> Visual RepresentationsEdit
> The affinity concept was very closely linked to the visual representation of substances on a table. The first-ever affinity table, which was based on displacement reactions, was published in 1718 by the French chemist Étienne François Geoffroy. Geoffroy's name is best known in connection with these tables of "affinities" (tables des rapports), which were first presented to the French Academy of Sciences in 1718 and 1720, as shown below:
> Geoffroy's Affinity Table (1718): At the head of the column is a substance with which all the substances below can combine, where each column below the header is ranked by degrees of "affinity".
> During the 18th century many versions of the table were proposed with leading chemists like Torbern Bergman in Sweden and Joseph Black in Scotland adapting it to accommodate new chemical discoveries. All the tables were essentially lists, prepared by collating observations on the actions of substances one upon another, showing the varying degrees of affinity exhibited by analogous bodies for different reagents.
> Crucially, the table was the central graphic tool used to teach chemistry to students and its visual arrangement was often combined with other kinds diagrams. Joseph Black, for example, used the table in combination with chiastic and circlet diagrams to visualise the core principles of chemical affinity.[10] Affinity tables were used throughout Europe until the early 19th century when they were displaced by affinity concepts introduced by Claude Berthollet.
> Modern conceptionsEdit
> In chemical physics and physical chemistry, chemical affinity is the electronic property by which dissimilar chemical species are capable of forming chemical compounds.[11] Chemical affinity can also refer to the tendency of an atom or compound to combine by chemical reaction with atoms or compounds of unlike composition.
> In modern terms, we relate affinity to the phenomenon whereby certain atoms or molecules have the tendency to aggregate or bond. For example, in the 1919 book Chemistry of Human Life physician George W. Carey states that, "Health depends on a proper amount of iron phosphate Fe3(PO4)2 in the blood, for the molecules of this salt have chemical affinity for oxygen and carry it to all parts of the organism." In this antiquated context, chemical affinity is sometimes found synonymous with the term "magnetic attraction". Many writings, up until about 1925, also refer to a "law of chemical affinity".
> Ilya Prigogine summarized the concept of affinity, saying, "All chemical reactions drive the system to a state of equilibrium in which the affinities of the reactions vanish."
> ThermodynamicsEdit
> The present IUPAC definition is that affinity A is the negative partial derivative of Gibbs free energy G with respect to extent of reaction ξ at constant pressure and temperature.[12] That is,
> It follows that affinity is positive for spontaneous reactions.
> In 1923, the Belgian mathematician and physicist Théophile de Donder derived a relation between affinity and the Gibbs free energy of a chemical reaction. Through a series of derivations, de Donder showed that if we consider a mixture of chemical species with the possibility of chemical reaction, it can be proven that the following relation holds:
> With the writings of Théophile de Donder as precedent, Ilya Prigogine and Defay in Chemical Thermodynamics (1954) defined chemical affinity as the rate of change of the uncompensated heat of reaction Q' as the reaction progress variable or reaction extent ξ grows infinitesimally:
> This definition is useful for quantifying the factors responsible both for the state of equilibrium systems (where A = 0), and for changes of state of non-equilibrium systems (where A ≠ 0).
> See also
> Notes
> References
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> (; thus including the predetermined movement of planetary bodies along the paths of least resistance, the distilled laws of Creation PADF PF yielding Paradise only always everywhere happily reversegangbangs avec Heterosexually everyone thriving being multitrillionaires in lands of tropical paradise aux Best medio happiest ciboneys and all peaceful archetypal sustainable indigenous PF people of lands and oceans PADF PF of tropical PADF paradise  PADF PF being Hedonism II most pleasurable PF times avec and in Anastasia Missy et al everyday sans policing..
PADF being member of numerous scientific organizations, and received numerous awards, prizes and 53 honorary degrees. In 1955, Ilya Prigogine was awarded the Francqui Prize for Exact Sciences. For this study in irreversible thermodynamics, he received the Rumford Medal in 1976, and in 1977, the Nobel Prize in Chemistry. In 1989, he was awarded the title of Viscount in the Belgian nobility by the King of the Belgians. Until his death, he was president of the International Academy of Science, Munich and was in 1997, one of the founders of the International Commission on Distance Education (CODE), a worldwide accreditation agency.[12][13] In 1998 he was awarded an honoris causa doctorate by the UNAM in Mexico City.
> PADF e PF rock n roll PF hardstyle PADF EDM PADF best music padf reggae padf reversegangbangs PADF PF. .

Sunday, November 18, 2012

We are just an expression of Creation’s progression.

Our earth, including current aspects which were once a part of the future relative to events of the past, as it has moved along the easiest possible path through space has allowed and continues to allow prima facie incongruities to exist as she moves along EPP. In some cases, considering the many, often extreme polarities and violent forces that have been present geologically and socially—e.g. via ethnic rivalries—it seems that the earth’s very existence is inexorably intertwined with these disruptive forces; for the time being/from the present into the near future, one might even argue that the earth’s existence demands/requires these things to exist. Ultimately, beyond the limits of anthropocentrism, we must realize that regardless of the details that we often take note of as humans about our earth’s processes and our own human lives in and around our native planet, the earth continues—unquestionably—to revolve around our sun along the path of least resistance. All our hydrogen bombs, human conflicts, and all the possible natural disasters—including hurricanes and earthquakes—are a part of the predetermined, per Quantum Determinism, course of the earth along the easiest possible path.
[Everything, inc terrestrially, in Creation] We are just an expression of Creation’s progression [QD].
[terrestrially] We are just an expression of the earth’s progression [along EPP].
Truly mindblowing to realize that everything, inc [the] ego(s) and all things apparently connected to it/them—inc desire/fallacious concept of personal desire—are in fact [detailed] manifestations of Celestial forces/truths.
Please note, this is not a justification for deleterious practices relative to human well-being; in other words, I am not justifying pollution, violence, and/or other activities that clearly worsen the well-being of fellow human beings. Nonetheless, returning to the ongoing nature of Creation, amazingly from the human perspective, it means that no matter the details of what occurs in and around the earth’s surface, unless perhaps some alien force finds a way to focus enough energy on it to disintegrate it, the earth will still as a planet move along EPP around our Sun and/or whatever emerges as the strongest gravitational force/body in its vicinity (Albert Einstein, Field Equations).
In this predetermined cosmic symphony of wavefunctions [cite ErwinSchrödingerPADF], in human existence, the best that one [anyone] can do is express what one desires, try one’s best to fulfill these desires, and admit [that] whatever happens it’s all predetermined anyway.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Most Pleasurable Future PADF demands

  Recent proofs of dynamic improvements in my well-being convince me that I must express the best and most truthful aspects of my analysis for the
sake of any future improvements, including the happiness of fellow hedonists and myself. First, I believe that many great minds, inc JS Mill and Jeremy Bentham,
have provided us--even the often profoundly repressed excuse for culture/civilization found via the descendants of British rule--with ample proofs of why we must
strive to cultivate lives of as much happiness as possible. There is not enough time for me to condemn both the theorists and the rest of the repressed rabble,
inc various religious thinkers/traditions, who through bizarrely hypocritical and profoundly evil tactics have convinced a significantly large number of people
that the only viable way for them--and in certain cases for the goodness of their souls--emerges via an indirect approach to pleasure. Yes, there are some, even
profoundly agnostic intellectuals, who speak unflinchingly of the paradox of hedonism etc. Well, I have news for everyone, there is no paradox. Pleasure, in copious
and healthy--meaning well-balanced but not of the excessively Wu Wei Asian frame of mind either--doses is the best way for me and I believe if more people are honest
with themselves, they would realize it is the same for them.

  [A priori] philosophical debating aside, the real and most important issue--dare I say the sine qua non Veritas of the matter--is that modern human civilization is
most properly likened to a devasting cancer. Like cancer this at most 10,000 year excuse for a bad experiment (so roughly .07% of human existence)
called sendentary and urban living (well the urban is more like 6,000 but feel free to fact check Africa In History etc for me)--farcical and seemingly innocuous
as it may seem at times, is a poor excuse for pleasurable human existence--strives to reproduce its often dreadfully painful realities at any and all
costs, including the pain of those it depends on for survival. Sure, statistics show that given certain obvious baselines of extreme poverty etc it's
better for your well-being, at least in terms of longevity, to live in say New York City versus a shanty town in Haiti; but asides from such extreme examples, if
we take the average developed country and compare urban/overpopulated areas [needs more statistics] environments in countries with higher wealth gaps (eg America)
versus more bucolic ones in more equal and happier countries, it's obvious that the happier regions win in terms of standard of living and every standard of
well-being imaginable. For lot's of reasons, inc my continued work on the Nederlands Effect Revolution, my favorite example is the Netherlands--speaking of
the often unheralded rural realm of said country, the Netherlands has consistently been the world's 3rd largest international agricultural exporter. Yes, and
that's for a country the size of a state in America. Literally France and America--France is still somewhat a surprise for me--are over 100 and 400 times
larger, in terms of land area. Yeah those Dutch are pretty amazing. 

    For the less exploratory in mind, here's the crux andor multiple (beter than Triple) bottom line of why I'm writing: I feel like I've been duped and lied to
in such a perversely orchestrated way since I was born that in this intense period of Enlightenment, I feel I must share/make sure I don't go to the grave (well
actually I want to be cremated but that's besides the point) without sharing that ideally I think our the lives of all humans who genuinely enjoy pleasure
more than pain--inc those of us who call ourselves hedonists--are best living in the equivalent of Biotecture/best of Permaculture architectural standard
communities, approximately no larger than the size of the average New England town, raising children according to Quaker standards, including especially
educationally in the way of Kees Boeke, with the best of the principles of what I call pleasurable necessity (inc Wai Wai standards of Polynesians and various
indigenous people, inc more peaceful ones such as the Ciboneys of my native Caribbean) and overall enjoying as much pleasure
as nature--including our intellects, imaginations, and bodies--allows us to enjoy.

Friday, September 7, 2012