Sunday, November 18, 2012

We are just an expression of Creation’s progression.

Our earth, including current aspects which were once a part of the future relative to events of the past, as it has moved along the easiest possible path through space has allowed and continues to allow prima facie incongruities to exist as she moves along EPP. In some cases, considering the many, often extreme polarities and violent forces that have been present geologically and socially—e.g. via ethnic rivalries—it seems that the earth’s very existence is inexorably intertwined with these disruptive forces; for the time being/from the present into the near future, one might even argue that the earth’s existence demands/requires these things to exist. Ultimately, beyond the limits of anthropocentrism, we must realize that regardless of the details that we often take note of as humans about our earth’s processes and our own human lives in and around our native planet, the earth continues—unquestionably—to revolve around our sun along the path of least resistance. All our hydrogen bombs, human conflicts, and all the possible natural disasters—including hurricanes and earthquakes—are a part of the predetermined, per Quantum Determinism, course of the earth along the easiest possible path.
[Everything, inc terrestrially, in Creation] We are just an expression of Creation’s progression [QD].
[terrestrially] We are just an expression of the earth’s progression [along EPP].
Truly mindblowing to realize that everything, inc [the] ego(s) and all things apparently connected to it/them—inc desire/fallacious concept of personal desire—are in fact [detailed] manifestations of Celestial forces/truths.
Please note, this is not a justification for deleterious practices relative to human well-being; in other words, I am not justifying pollution, violence, and/or other activities that clearly worsen the well-being of fellow human beings. Nonetheless, returning to the ongoing nature of Creation, amazingly from the human perspective, it means that no matter the details of what occurs in and around the earth’s surface, unless perhaps some alien force finds a way to focus enough energy on it to disintegrate it, the earth will still as a planet move along EPP around our Sun and/or whatever emerges as the strongest gravitational force/body in its vicinity (Albert Einstein, Field Equations).
In this predetermined cosmic symphony of wavefunctions [cite ErwinSchrödingerPADF], in human existence, the best that one [anyone] can do is express what one desires, try one’s best to fulfill these desires, and admit [that] whatever happens it’s all predetermined anyway.

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Most Pleasurable Future PADF demands

  Recent proofs of dynamic improvements in my well-being convince me that I must express the best and most truthful aspects of my analysis for the
sake of any future improvements, including the happiness of fellow hedonists and myself. First, I believe that many great minds, inc JS Mill and Jeremy Bentham,
have provided us--even the often profoundly repressed excuse for culture/civilization found via the descendants of British rule--with ample proofs of why we must
strive to cultivate lives of as much happiness as possible. There is not enough time for me to condemn both the theorists and the rest of the repressed rabble,
inc various religious thinkers/traditions, who through bizarrely hypocritical and profoundly evil tactics have convinced a significantly large number of people
that the only viable way for them--and in certain cases for the goodness of their souls--emerges via an indirect approach to pleasure. Yes, there are some, even
profoundly agnostic intellectuals, who speak unflinchingly of the paradox of hedonism etc. Well, I have news for everyone, there is no paradox. Pleasure, in copious
and healthy--meaning well-balanced but not of the excessively Wu Wei Asian frame of mind either--doses is the best way for me and I believe if more people are honest
with themselves, they would realize it is the same for them.

  [A priori] philosophical debating aside, the real and most important issue--dare I say the sine qua non Veritas of the matter--is that modern human civilization is
most properly likened to a devasting cancer. Like cancer this at most 10,000 year excuse for a bad experiment (so roughly .07% of human existence)
called sendentary and urban living (well the urban is more like 6,000 but feel free to fact check Africa In History etc for me)--farcical and seemingly innocuous
as it may seem at times, is a poor excuse for pleasurable human existence--strives to reproduce its often dreadfully painful realities at any and all
costs, including the pain of those it depends on for survival. Sure, statistics show that given certain obvious baselines of extreme poverty etc it's
better for your well-being, at least in terms of longevity, to live in say New York City versus a shanty town in Haiti; but asides from such extreme examples, if
we take the average developed country and compare urban/overpopulated areas [needs more statistics] environments in countries with higher wealth gaps (eg America)
versus more bucolic ones in more equal and happier countries, it's obvious that the happier regions win in terms of standard of living and every standard of
well-being imaginable. For lot's of reasons, inc my continued work on the Nederlands Effect Revolution, my favorite example is the Netherlands--speaking of
the often unheralded rural realm of said country, the Netherlands has consistently been the world's 3rd largest international agricultural exporter. Yes, and
that's for a country the size of a state in America. Literally France and America--France is still somewhat a surprise for me--are over 100 and 400 times
larger, in terms of land area. Yeah those Dutch are pretty amazing. 

    For the less exploratory in mind, here's the crux andor multiple (beter than Triple) bottom line of why I'm writing: I feel like I've been duped and lied to
in such a perversely orchestrated way since I was born that in this intense period of Enlightenment, I feel I must share/make sure I don't go to the grave (well
actually I want to be cremated but that's besides the point) without sharing that ideally I think our the lives of all humans who genuinely enjoy pleasure
more than pain--inc those of us who call ourselves hedonists--are best living in the equivalent of Biotecture/best of Permaculture architectural standard
communities, approximately no larger than the size of the average New England town, raising children according to Quaker standards, including especially
educationally in the way of Kees Boeke, with the best of the principles of what I call pleasurable necessity (inc Wai Wai standards of Polynesians and various
indigenous people, inc more peaceful ones such as the Ciboneys of my native Caribbean) and overall enjoying as much pleasure
as nature--including our intellects, imaginations, and bodies--allows us to enjoy.

Friday, September 7, 2012